Big Media Censorship
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released a report on November 6, 2023 that reveals how agencies within the federal government conspired with Big Media and Big Tech to abridge the First Amendment rights of Americans. The report centers on an organization called the Election Integrity Partnership. Important observations indicating election malfeasance were treated as “incidents” which resulted in censorship and counter-narratives at the direction of federal officials. Many court cases are won in the court of public opinion before the court of law will ever consider them. The systematic censorship of election incidents that went against the false narrative that “2020 election was the most secure election in American history” prevented many court cases from receiving fair trials.
Mike Lindell sponsored the creation of the FrankSpeech media platform to provide a social media platform that enables Americans to report incidents of election malfeasance without censorship. Content is available via the desktop computers, smartphones, ROKU, Amazon Fire Sticks, and Rumble.
SOLUTIONBig Tech Censorship
Elon Musk first exposed the Big Tech censorship apparatus when he provided the information known as the “Twitter Files”. The Twitter Files refer to a series of releases of select internal documents from Twitter, Inc., published from December 2022 through March 2023. These documents were made public through a series of Twitter threads by journalists handpicked by Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter at the time. The files include internal discussions and Slack messages between Twitter employees, focusing on the company’s content moderation decisions, including the banning of former President Donald Trump and the handling of various content moderation tools and policies Not long afterwards, the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released a report on November 6, 2023 that reveals how agencies within the federal government conspired with Big Media and Big Tech to abridge the First Amendment rights of Americans. The report centers on an organization called the Election Integrity Partnership. Important observations indicating election malfeasance were treated as “incidents” which resulted in censorship and counter-narratives at the direction of federal officials. Many court cases are won in the court of public opinion before the court of law will ever consider them. The systematic censorship of election incidents that went against the false narrative that “2020 election was the most secure election in American history” prevented many court cases from receiving fair trials.
Mike Lindell sponsored the creation of VOCL (formerly FrankSocial) to provide a social media platform that enables Americans to report incidents of election malfeasance without censorship. Users can access information on VOCL via desktop computers or smartphones. The app enables what Mike Lindell refers to as Real-Time Monitoring of our elections.
SOLUTIONComplex Connections
Election fraud is a very complex topic. A comprehensive understanding of the topic requires knowledge of election laws, voting machines, election procedures, the judicial system, the legislative process, and the organizations working to undermine the integrity of our elections. All of these topics are related, but it is often difficult to organize information in a way that enables election integrity advocates to readily make those connections. We need a structured, one-stop shopping center for all information pertaining to election integrity.
Mike Lindell sponsored the development of Election Nexus to provide a structured, one-stop shopping center for pretty much any information related to the topic of election integrity. The site combines open source data with data collected by the Election Crime Bureau and its partners to provide election integrity enthusiasts the encyclopedia they’ve been looking for.
Election Nexus
SOLUTIONVoting System Vulnerabilities
All across America, electronic voting systems are being used to record, tabulate and transmit votes. The security vulnerabilities of these systems are well-documented by government authorities responsible for securing them as well as court exhibits by subject matter experts. The fact that no one is allowed to witness the all-important counting of the votes performed in an electronic veil of secrecy is most concerning.
Transparent hand counting of our votes is the proven solution to this problem. Before electronic voting systems, that is how we counted our votes.
Hand Counts
Americans seeking to file lawsuits which present their evidence of election malfeasance struggle with how best to approach such filings. Many are not legal experts. This fact coupled with an intense lawfare campaign by opponents to election integrity make such lawsuits difficult. Lawfare, the strategic use of legal systems to achieve a goal, compromises the electoral process through various means, including “friendly lawsuits.” A friendly lawsuit is a legal action where the parties are not adversaries but collaborate to resolve a legal question that affects them both. This type of lawsuit can be used to produce court opinions that effectively circumvent legislative authority, creating de facto laws through judicial decisions. Lawfare also presents itself in the form of judges unwilling to hear cases asserting evidence of election malfeasance on the basis of “standing”. In many cases, lawyers for plaintiffs in election lawsuits have been sanctioned by judges thereby discouraging any legal filings asserting election malfeasance. Plus, lawsuits are expensive and should not be approached without a high probability of success. Grassroots activists need someone to counsel them through this complicated environment.
The Election Crime Bureau has enlisted the services of a cadre of experienced judges and prosecutors to advise state activists. In addition to monitoring the status of current lawsuits, they are tasked with the development of legal strategies that have high probabilities of success even in today’s toxic legal environment.
Legal Strategy
SOLUTIONWeak Election Laws
There are many Americans are passionate about the need to secure our elections. They have a good idea of what a secure election looks like but grapple with the steps needed to make that happen. Effective policy advocacy requires an understanding of our current election laws, how our legislative process works, and how best to mount an effective policy advocacy campaigns. Grassroots activists often need assistance with one or more of these topics.
The Election Crime Bureau has enlisted the services of a cadre of experienced policy analysts. In addition to monitoring the status of current legislation, they are tasked with the development of policy advocacy strategies that have high probabilities of success within state and federal legislative environments.
Legislation Strategy
SOLUTIONLimited Advocacy Effectiveness
The effectiveness of policy advocacy often needs much more than an effective legislation strategy. The strategy also needs to be executed effectively. Grassroots activists, however, often lack the tools to execute such campaigns effectively.
The Election Crime Bureau has procured the services of the best policy advocacy platform on the market, CiviClick, to assist in launching and monitoring effective policy advocacy campaigns. This advocacy platform facilitates better communication between citizens and elected officials and their staff at the federal, state and county levels of government with crucial election integrity information.
Advocacy Platform
SOLUTIONLack of Resources
Election integrity is a national issue that requires state-level action. State groups often lack the knowledge and resources needed to be effective.
Mike Lindell sponsored the creation of Cause of America to empower state election integrity enthusiasts with the information, tools and other resources they need to be effective.
Cause of America
SOLUTIONLimited Public Awareness
How do you compete for the attention of the general public against Hollywood and fake news outlets? How do you convey a complex topic such as election fraud in a manner that it is easy to digest by Americans?
Mike Lindell sponsored the development of a series of documentaries that break down the complex topic of election fraud.