Election Crime Bureau

Election Nexus


Election Nexus

Election Nexus is designed to be a one-stop shopping center for all election-related information. Users can access this information via desktop computers or smartphone apps (Coming Soon).

  • Interactive Map

    Our interactive map presents data selected at either national, state, county, municipal or even precinct level where available.

  • Multiple Datasets

    Dozens of datasets pertaining to election integrity are presented in context of selected geographic scope.

  • Intuitive Interface

    It was challenging to find a way to share so much information in a simple, intuitive way. There are two basic views: geography-based and list-based. Geography views provide summary-level data. List-based views provide you with detailed lists of the information that drives the geography-based views.

  • Shareable

    One of the core objectives of the Election Crime Bureau is to share important election integrity information with as many people as possible. That is why Election Nexus has been designed to be able to embed in the websites of our partners to encourage people to visit their websites.

How to Use

Step 1: Access Election Nexus

Go to ElectionNexus.com or download the Election Nexus App onto your smartphone (Coming Soon).

Download Android AppDownload Apple App

Step 2: Select Dataset

There are a wide variety of election-related datasets accessible with Election Nexus.  Many of which can be downloaded in support of your own custom analysis.  New datasets are being added on a regular basis.  Our goal is to make Election Nexus the destination for anyone seeking important, accurate and substantive information pertaining to the conduct of our elections.  If there is a dataset you would like to see that is not listed below, let us know.

NOTE: We asked Election Night Report vendors Edison Research and Associated Press for quotes on their Election Night Reporting Services, but they chose not to respond to our requests. We have evidence that no less than 4 unique employees of Edison Research reviewed our request. It is very odd that a business would not be interested in a new sales opportunity.

Request Dataset
Dataset Source Display Type Notes
Statutory Scorecards
State Coordinators
RAG Indicator
Form updates supported
Internet Connections
KPI Indicator
Voter Roll Integrity
Courage App
RAG Indicator
Voter History Integrity
Courage App
KPI Indicator
Chain of Custody Integrity
State Coordinators
RAG Indicator
State Coordinators
RAG Indicator
Statutory Compliance
State Coordinators
RAG Indicator
Overall Election Integrity
RAG Indicator
Election Crime Bureau
Election Crime Bureau
Good News
Election Crime Bureau
Party Control
Election Crime Bureau
Party Indicator
Election Crime Bureau
FrankSocial, True the Vote
KPI Indicators
Election Crime Bureau
Voting Locations
Open Source
Push Pins
Census Data
Open Source
KPI Indicators
Voting Systems
Open Source
Voter History Anomalies
KPI Indicators
Voter History Anomalies
KPI Indicators
County Petition Project
LindellPlan.com Petition Forms
RAG Indicator

Step 3: Select Geography Scope

Depending upon the dataset selected, users have the ability to filter the data by state, county, municipality, or precinct.

Step 4: Compare Datasets


Users will have the ability to compare two different datasets for a common geography scope.


We are always seeking to improve this app and share with organizations who share our passion for election integrity. Send us an email if you would like to recommend a new feature or embed the app on your website.

Contact Support